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The Gram


The Gram is for the Astronaut who boldly goes… You know the rest. ;)


This little angular beauty is a show stopper - perfectly balanced and oh so pretty.


A unique, limited edition, handmade fabric optical frame by 

The Elusive Miss Lou.

Size: 52 - 16 - 143  Shape: Angular

The Gram - Patch.jpg

Patch - sold out!

The Gram - Breakfast on the Reef.jpg

Breakfast on the Reef - SOLD OUT!

The Gram - Blue Bamboo.jpg

Blue Bamboo

The Gram - Key Lime.jpg

Key Lime - SOLD OUT!

The Gram - Breakfast in the Jungle.jpg

Breakfast in the Jungle - only a few left!

Barcelona - “… but having seen what it did to him I knew I’d never again go down that particular path. Despite that seemingly desperate act I was released from all responsibility to stay and so left heading for Spain, Barcelona to be specific.


A singularly beautiful city and one in which you can find yourself swept away by the people. I have travelled to many places and seen many sights but when a city is defined by its people something magical happens.


I was enamoured by some skateboard artists, as they had me call them, who ended up inviting me to a party housed in an abandoned industrial park. For what may have seemed from the outside a particularly precarious situation, being part of it I felt such connection to these new friends I had made, and a wonderful night ensued…” – The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 32

Raja Amat, Indonesia - “…and so I learned to never trust a man in brown suede shoes at night. Yet I still managed to make my flight to Denpasar and was suddenly confronted with a choice in destination. I had heard from an old university colleague recently that they had been studying a remote coral reef working as a conservationist and marine biologist.


They had written me a waterlogged letter with a satellite phone number attached. I used the local payphone facilities and was on my way to Sorong that afternoon. Arriving aboard her research boat, an old Indonesian pirate ship that had been fitted with up-to-date research equipment sat within the tall dense islands around the reef.


While above the water was a paradise below was a bustling metropolis of live and colour, over the three months I spent aboard I doubt I met the same fish twice…” - The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 287

Zimbabwe-Zambia at Victoria Falls - “...Victoria falls must be one of the most extraordinary borders on our planet.


It is a place one arrives at and feels as though they are dreaming, for surely what they are seeing couldn’t be real. I would have gladly spent a week standing there as the sheer volume of water falls before me.


The sound is visceral and has stuck with me for many years. Now, with our current ecological negligence the falls are in danger due to drought…” - The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 112

Raja Amat, Indonesia – “… had me laughing hysterically as we ate overlooking the beautiful islands of Raja Amat.


I had grown accustomed to my semi aquatic life and felt a deep draw towards the jungles of the islands. I organised for a five-day trek through the jungle to see some of the more remote parts of the islands and the views that we saw were simply breathtaking.


The islands rising like knucklebones from the middle of the ocean on all sides I felt as though I was standing on the game board of some giant beings.


Imagining myself small among the megalithic game pieces I was reminded of our place in the world, and our impact…” - The Memoirs of Miss Lou pg. 288

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